Representation of myths and fables. 2020-21

The students of 1st and 2nd ESO have studied the narrative subgenres, showing great interest especially in fables and myths. For this reason, they have represented some of the best known before their Primary and Secondary classmates, coordinated by the Department of Language and Literature as an activity prior to Book Day.

The group of 1 that has staged the following fables:

The Tortoise and the Hare, The Grasshopper and the Ant, The Lion and the Three Oxen and The Wolf and the Lamb, while at the same time studying and explaining to the attendees who Aesop was and what a moral is

For their part, the students of 2 that have represented the following myths:
Prometheus and the Fire Thief, Pandora's Box, and the Myth of Arachne.
Through these myths and fables, didactic and moral values ​​will be reflected, as well as the influences that Greek culture has left us today.
Likewise, they have investigated the purpose of explaining the incomprehensible phenomena of nature, resorting to mythology.

Our interpreters have prepared the scenery and everything related to the decoration, while they have made an effort to give the best of themselves.
A round of applause for all of them!