Stock market session in 1st year of Baccalaureate. 2017-18

Today, January 30, the students of the 1st year of the Social Sciences Baccalaureate, in the subject of Economics, have attended a Stock Market session given by Mr. Ignacio Muñoz Roca from the Institute of Stock Market Studies (IEB). During it, our students have been able to get an overview of the markets and understand the difference between the real and financial economy. In addition, they have studied the advantages and disadvantages of going public and have obtained answers to questions such as: what is the Stock Market?, how do you contract on the Stock Exchange?, what are the financial markets of Options and Futures? And what is the risk premium and what is it for?

A very illustrative conference masterfully directed by D. Ignacio, whom we want to thank, from these lines, for his presentation.