Tag listing: news

Lunch 1st Baccalaureate. 2020-21

The end of the course is approaching and today we wanted to share with our 1st #Baccalaureate students the end-of-stage lunch that we could not celebrate last year for health reasons. Serve this meeting not only to congratulate them...

MusicFun! Month of April. 2020-21

April has been a month to "discover" new sounds, new textures and new worlds. for our and our little ones. Photos of the violin and piano workshops. What new instruments will the month of May bring us? Soon……

Summary of Book Day activities. 2020-21

In order to continue promoting creativity in our students, the Language Department has carried out numerous and varied activities on Book Day to celebrate its XXX edition at our school. The hall has become...

School Day of Nonviolence and Peace. 2020-21

Tomorrow is January 30. That is why, coinciding with the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi, in our center we have commemorated today the School Day of Non-Violence and Peace. Although due to current circumstances we have not...

Virtual meeting with Mr. Antonio Gómez Yebra. 2020-21

Colegio Alborán considers it essential to create resources to promote reading, which is why it organizes numerous activities throughout the academic year to promote interest in reading, such as visits to our writers' college. In this…

Visit of the Francisco de Vitoria University. 2020-21

Today we received a visit from the 2nd year of Baccalaureate from the Francisco de Vitoria University. We want to thank Alethia García Egea for her interesting presentation.

Visit of the University of Villanueva. 2020-21

Today we have received the University of Villanueva in the 2nd year of #Bachillerato in a virtual meeting that has been coordinated by the Guidance Department. We want to thank this institution for the interesting exhibition it has carried out…

Presentation of the MusicFun! project. 2020-21.

Today the #MusicFun team! He has presented his project for this school year. And it has done so with a series of live performances, organized in different sessions, which all our students have been able to enjoy. Thank you and in…

100% pass rate in the PEvAU and excellent grades. 2019-20

This test, for access and admission to the university, forms the final photo of a long distance race in which many hours of work, nerves, illusions and fears have been deposited, unfounded on many occasions, but fears to the end...

Literary Contest Tales from grandchildren to grandparents until the hugs return. Winners of the final week. 2019-20.

The weekly children's literary contest organized by Hammam Al Ándalus comes to an end. In its last week, from May 21 to 29, our student Claudia Rodríguez, from 6th of…