UCMAS workshops and use of the iPad for parents. 2017-18

This afternoon the Colegio Alborán has offered the parents of the center a double date.

On the one hand, a workshop on #UCMAS directed by the coordinator of the project, Ms. Marta Lerga, which was especially intended for families whose children begin this year to work with this method. During the session, they were able to learn more about what this proposal consists of, how it is integrated into the curriculum of the Center's Educational Project and what are the benefits it brings to students. Among them, not only the improvement in mental calculation stands out, but other aspects such as concentration capacity, listening capacity, the promotion of creativity and imagination, improvement of visual memory, etc. are also enhanced.

On the other hand, a workshop on the use of the iPad in the classroom, which was led by the R&D coordinator, Mrs. Teresa Arjona. During this session, of special interest to parents in the 4th year of Primary Education, attendees were able to learn how the iPad is used in the classes at Colegio Alborán, as well as the different methodological, regulatory and technical aspects related to it. In addition to experiencing part of what they learned for themselves, they received tips and techniques to be able to supervise their children's work and general use of these devices at home.

From these lines, we want to thank the attending families for their presence and their interest in knowing the details of our Educational Project and invite them to continue attending future meetings that will be organized. Thank you!