
Visit of D. Rafael Salmerón, writer and illustrator. 2018-19.

To celebrate the International Children's and Youth Book Day (April 2 to commemorate the date of birth of the writer Hans Christian Andersen) the Department of Language and Literature of the Alborán School organized, in collaboration with the Anaya publishing house, an interesting animation activity for the reading.

It was an interesting meeting with D. Rafael Salmerón carried out on April 4 .

Salmerón, writer and illustrator of books and posters, explained to our students, in a friendly and close way, the differences between the work of the writer and the illustrator, as well as between drawing and illustration.

He introduced the assistants of Primary and first cycle of ESO in the fantastic task of an illustrator, which is very similar to that of the translator, since "its mission is to translate from the language of words to that of images, with different tools" , that is, telling the same story through drawings and illustrations in a coherent way.

He highlighted the value of words and intonation, the style in the case of drawing, stating that "we must take into account not only what is said, but how it is said, especially in this conversion or transformation of words into images" .

He also highlighted the importance and advantages of illustrations in a book. However, he also commented with concrete examples that if it is not done well it can cause the opposite effect.

 He focused on the works "A handful of fears" and "La tejedora de la muerte" (the latter the first book that he illustrated) by the writer Concha López Narváez, which he has illustrated, and which have been read this year by our high school students. Primary and the first cycle of ESO.

The students showed interest in his youth works "Noah's kite", "A ball for a bullet" and "27 beats", stories of improvement that transmit values ​​of hope. Likewise, they revealed great concern for their works "El club" and "Don't move, shrew" winner of the Lazarillo Award.

In the two sessions he offered at our school, he told stories, interacted with the attendees, drew for us and gave us many beautiful drawings.

It turned out to be a very interesting and relaxed meeting, in which there was time to clarify all the doubts of the students, who actively participated.