XXIX Cultural Week. Day of the book. 2017-18

With the main objective of promoting reading and continuing to foster creativity, the Department of Language and Literature and Classical Languages ​​has carried out numerous and varied activities on Book Day.
It is a unique opportunity for Culture understood globally to transcend the classroom and permeate our school with exhibitions of murals, posters, drawings and many projects that project the imagination of our students.

– Decalogues of the good reader:

Likewise, the students of the Baccalaureate of Arts and Humanities have made posters that represent the decalogue of a good reader, offering the best advice to enjoy reading. Exquisite teamwork.

With the different courses of Secondary and Baccalaureate we have developed the following activities:

– Awards Ceremony for Poetry and Short Stories:

First of all, to inaugurate Book Day, the prize-giving ceremony for the XIV Poetry Contest and II Micro-stories Contest of Colegio Alborán took place. We have to admit that it has been very difficult to choose the winning and finalist poems and short stories, due to the quality of the works presented. In addition to the teaching staff, many students from different courses have wanted to act as a jury in said contest.
The awardees have been:

1st and 2nd of ESO in the Poetry modality:

1st Prize: Andrea Bravo Bianchi, for her poem "A strange world in which we live".
2nd Prize: Manuel Jiménez Pedraja, with his work "Vertical Rap".

3st and 4nd of ESO in the Poetry modality:

1st Prize: Elena Donaire Peralta, with her poetry “En blanco”.
2nd Prize: Eva González Martín, for her poem “Que ni decir tiene”.
3rd Prize: María Puertas Cerván, for “Blood and forgetfulness”.
Finalist: Lucía Casado Torres, for “I feel”.

3rd and 4th of ESO in the Micro-story modality:

1st Prize: Alba Carrasco Sánchez, for her short story entitled “La alambrada”.
2nd Prize: Aitana Romero Vaernewyck, with “No to violence”.

The Baccalaureate awardees are as follows:

Poetry in Baccalaureate:
1st Prize: Fernando Ramírez Sánchez, for his work: «Luna».
2nd Prize: Hans Döhne Gutiérrez, for "Self-betrayal".

Micro-stories in Baccalaureate:

1st Prize: Elías Salinas Teruel, for his short story “Adrenalina”
2nd Prize: Pablo Álvarez Serrano, for "The Lord of the Coliseum"
3rd Prize: Carmen Pearson Moreno, for “Silence”.

– Literary Meeting with the writer Yohana Anaya Ruiz

To commemorate April 23, Book Day, there is nothing better than organizing a very interesting literary meeting for Secondary students with the writer Yohana Anaya Ruiz.

Yohana Anaya spoke with the secondary school attendees about the art of writing and exposed the entire process that a book takes until it is published, which served to value the importance of the work of younger writers, while encouraging students to “to dare, despite fears and nerves, to feel the emotion of publishing”.

– Musical poetic show

Next, we have carried out a sensational musical poetic show, in which the Department of Language and the Department of Music have worked in close coordination.
Its objectives have been none other than to strengthen the imagination, develop communication skills and increase confidence before the public.
A fantastic staging of our musicians and poets, which has resulted in a real enjoyment for the senses.

– Video “We adopt obsolete words”

The 1st ESO students have made a fun and creative video in which each one adopts a disused word so that our language does not disappear.

– Video “Campaign in defense of ñ”

The 2nd ESO students have created a magnificent video to make us aware of the importance of the letter Ñ and of many of the words that would be lost if we remove this letter from the keyboard.

If we told you that in 4th ESO they have been able to place bets on the races, you would be surprised, right?
Well, in the subject of Latin, the students "have bet heavily" on the races... But there is no need to be alarmed, the reality is a little more educational because it has been before a model of a circus of Roman chariots. And all this because the ancient Romans already bet their "denarii" for the charioteer they supposed to be the winner.

Our students have felt such enthusiasm and admiration for different aspects of Roman culture that they have wanted to bring it closer to the rest of their classmates. With this objective they have made a drawing of the most famous Roman amphitheatre, "the Colosseum", where fierce gladiators fought. These games were presided over by prominent figures of Roman society such as Emperor Julius Caesar, who has explained some anecdotes from his life.
In addition, the students have been able to understand the reason for the fame of the goddess Aphrodite and admire her beauty, since she has been kind enough to attend this eclectic representation of a culture to which the world today owes so much.

Both the Secondary school students and the 5th and 6th grade students have been involved by answering the questionnaires raised on all these aspects. To do this, they have accessed through QR codes the questions that the participants themselves have prepared for the Latin subject of 4th ESO. As we can see, the classical world is perfectly compatible with new technologies.

Likewise, the 1st year of Baccalaureate students have performed a small play called "El paso del mito al logos". Through the Greek myth about the origin of the rainbow, they have shown their classmates in Primary and Secondary the way in which all cultures have tried to explain the phenomena of nature, incomprehensible to them, resorting to mythology.
Likewise, they have pointed out how a different, rational way of wondering about nature arose in Greece around the XNUMXth century BC.

– Literary meeting with the English language writer Andrea Prior

Our students from 6th grade of Early Childhood Education to 4th grade of Primary Education have enjoyed the presence of the writer and illustrator Andrea Prior during this Book Day. During the meeting, developed exclusively in English, the author of "Parcel of Pigs: And other funny 'tails'" has introduced our students to different aspects of said work in a very entertaining and fun way.

– Theatrical performance of the play “Aquí caben todos” for the 3rd year of Primary Education.

Finally, we would like to highlight the great enthusiasm and success with which our 3rd grade Primary Education students have represented the play “Aquí caben todos” for their 1st to 4th grade classmates.