XXXI Cultural Week. Language Day. 2021-22

Today was Language Day of our XXXI Cultural Week. Our students have been involved in endless activities and projects on this subject.

On the one hand, our 3rd and 4th grade students have characterized themselves as the true protagonists of JK Rowling's most famous work and have visited the Early Childhood Education classrooms to tell the little ones at school why they like Harry Potter and encourage them , well, to your reading.

On the other hand, the 6th grade students, after carrying out a research project on a great diversity of writers of universal literature of all time, have developed a project to recreate their photographs.

Miguel de Cervantes, Gloria Fuertes, Miguel Hernández, Pablo Neruda, Astrid Lindgren, Cernuda, Alberti, Heminway, Ágata Christie, Lewis Carrol, Dostoevsky, Dickend, Perrault, Andersen, Shakespeare and other authors of all literary genres and nationalities, worked in the classroom have been recreated with great mastery and exhibited in the central room of our center.

In addition, our boys and girls from Secondary Education and Baccalaureate have enjoyed the play "Alice in Wonderland" with a "Pop-Up" coffee, organized by the 3rd year ESO class and the Secondary English Department.

The 4th ESO students have also had a leading role today. With the coordination of the French Department, he has recreated an authentic Smurf village that has been visited by Early Childhood and Primary Education. A tribute to those tiny blue characters, "Les Schtroumpfs" on the day of languages. Different educational games were proposed in each house and those who demonstrated their ability or their knowledge of the language of Pierre Culliford got the corresponding prizes.


Finally, our traditional “Spelling Bee Contest” has had to be postponed due to inclement weather. Our students will have a little more time to prepare for this competition that we like to celebrate so much.