Your finances, your future. 2021-22

During the days 18, 22 and 25 of April, a complementary activity has been carried out in our center for the curriculum of the subject of Economics of 4th of ESO. This series of interesting conferences have been developed through the Junior Achievement Association by Ms. Patricia Zimmermann Fernández, Costa del Sol risk manager and Mr. Daniel Medina Fermín, personal banking account manager, Bankinter volunteers.
These talks are part of a program on financial education called "Your finances, your future" that tries to make students reflect on making financial decisions prudently and correctly. Attendees have learned to make a balanced budget, and become aware of the importance of saving and planning. They have also deepened their knowledge of credit and its options in order to promote its proper use.
During the first session, they told us about the budget and the need to balance expenses and income. To do this, they used the Maslow Pyramid and a game in which the students were choosing participants, income, type of housing... concluding that the budget, in addition to being balanced, has to be dynamic so that it adjusts at all times to our circumstances. personal and family
The second session focused on planning, on the need to choose. Since we have scarce resources (time, money...) it is essential to use them responsibly. It was emphasized that we must be very critical of the information we receive, since what is advertised as the best is not always what we really need. This entire session focused on a game in which the students, depending on their income and needs, had to choose between 3 mobile models. They knew the price, the type of camera, the memory... but they did not previously know their brands. This ignorance made them discover that sometimes what we think we need is not really the case.
In the third and last session, Cybersecurity has been discussed, resulting in great interest for our students. During it, some of the most widespread variants of cyber financial fraud have been discussed, attendees have learned to detect and prevent them.
This vision of reality provided by banking professionals is very enriching for our boys and girls, so we hope to continue offering this program in future courses that aims to activate interest in financial education among young people.
Finally, we want to thank the speakers for their collaboration and the high involvement they have shown in carrying out this interesting programme.»