News and current affairs of the Alborán School in Marbella.

Excursion to Ardales. 2019-20

1st of ESO has visited the Malaga town of Ardales. The activity has been carried out within the theoretical-practical project that the Department of Activities of the Center (DAC) has launched together with the Department of CCSS: Geography…

Visit of the University of Villanueva. 2019-20.

Today we have received a visit from the University of Villanueva. In a meeting coordinated by the Guidance Department, our speaker has made known the different training proposals of this institution.

Seminar on Marketing at ESIC Malaga. 2019-20

Organized by the Department of Economy, today, as in previous years, a very interesting Marketing Seminar took place at the ESIC headquarters in the Andalusia Technology Park. The 1st and 2nd year students attended it...

Celebration of "La Chandeleur". 2019-20

On the occasion of the celebration of one of the most famous, fun and curious French traditions, the French Department has organized its fourth “LA CHANDELEUR” contest. The participants were the boys and girls of 2nd…

Theatrical Representation «The Diary of Anne Frank». 2019-20

On February 1, our 2st and 3nd ESO students attended the theatrical performance of the play "The Diary of Anne Frank", a magnificent adaptation of the immortal work, known to all generations, by the company…

January 30: School Day of Nonviolence and Peace. 2019-20

Teresa de Calcula stated that “peace begins with a smile.” This is how at Alborán School we join every year in the celebration of the “School Day of Non-Violence and Peace”. We also do it being aware of the role…

Visit of the ESNE University of Madrid. 2019-20.

Today we received a visit from the Madrid University School of Design, Innovation and Technology (ESNE) in our 2nd year of Baccalaureate. The meeting has been organized by our Guidance Department and during it, the students...

Cross country competition on the beach. 2019-20.

A representation of our 4th and 5th grade Primary School students participated today in an interesting cross-country competition on the beach, organized by the EIC. During it, they enjoyed the fabulous surroundings of our coast…

Sierra Nevada. 2019-20

For someone to feel passionate about sport, it is essential to give them the opportunity to practice it. For this reason, the Physical Education Department of Alborán School organized an excursion to Sierra on January 15 and 16...

One more in the family. 2019-20.

Today is a very special day for the Alborán Equestrian Club and for our entire school. Tonight, our Welsh pony "Tinbell" became mother to a beautiful and strong filly. Welcome to the Alborán family!