Implementation of the Alborán 3.0 Educational Project

The Alborán School has once again opted for the comprehensive training of students and is taking another step this school year, implementing a new Project, Alborán 3.0., which enhances the pedagogical line of the center.

Said project supposes the introduction of new teaching methodologies, following the innovative line that characterizes this College. rossellimac (accredited as Apple Education Experts), has been the company that has made this technological immersion possible.

This change, which implies, among other resources, the use of the iPad, is adapted to the new information society. With it, the imagination, motivation and autonomy of our students are enhanced, while enabling the teaching team to individually attend to the needs of their students.

Studies carried out by Universities and educational institutions around the world confirm that the use of the iPad and new teaching methodologies favor the learning process of students and increase their school performance.