
XXXII Cultural Week. Day of the book. 2022-23

The Department of Language and Literature at Colegio Alborán carries out animation and reading promotion activities throughout the year.
With the main purpose of promoting written expression by stimulating the creativity of our students, the Department of Letters has carried out various activities in the XXXII edition of our center to commemorate Book Day.
The entrance has become a space where murals, posters and many projects born from the imagination of our students have been exhibited.

To access the images of the murals click click here.

To inaugurate Book Day, the prize-giving ceremony of the XIX Colegio Alborán Poetry Contest took place. The winners have been:
In the First Cycle of Secondary:
1st Prize: Rocío Gonzalo, for “The beauty of reading”.
2nd Prize: Elvira Villalba, for her poem “Los libros”.
3rd Prize: Liam Abad Kongsvold, for his work "Navigate".
In the Second Cycle of Secondary:
1st Prize: Hugo Díaz, “Imaginé”.
2nd Prize: Martina Stevenson, with her poem “After death”.
3rd Prize: Teresa Cerviño, for her poetry “Solo con un libro”.
Finalist: Nathalia Paulet, with “I breathe, I hope and I breathe”.
In High School:
1st Prize: Alejandro Rodríguez, with the poem entitled “Just a bookmark?
2nd Prize: Carla Moreno, for “Monotonía”.
Congratulations to the winners and to all the participants.

To access the images of the winners, click click here.


The most relevant literary characters of Universal Literature transcend this day of the classroom and permeate our live Literature school. The 3rd ESO students immerse us fully in the magic and culture of books from all eras.
We have had a very varied and wide gallery of characters and authors: The Three Musketeers, Tom Sawyer, Don Quixote and his faithful squire, Belle, The Three Little Pigs and some pirates from Treasure Island, among others, have visited the classes of their classmates from Primary and Secondary, to explain to them who are the characters or authors of which they have been characterized.

To access live literature images click here.

The 4th ESO students have developed a video of great poetic sensitivity, in which they perform a joint recitation of the famous poem by Pablo Neruda "Ode to the book II", so appropriate for this day.

Our 1st Baccalaureate students have recorded an original video in which they tell which book they would like to delve into according to the literary character they have always dreamed of being. Some identify with Sherlock Holmes, others would long to be vampires from different literary works and sagas or characters created by Lewis Carroll. They also dream of coming out of a book by JK Rowling or Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, with mystery literature being the most in demand.

ESO 1 students have prepared a series of activities in groups that they show to their classmates from different Primary and Secondary courses. Each stall or stand located outside deals with a literary genre or subgenre (myths and tales) so that visitors can learn through gymkhanas, balloons, bowling, archery and dart games, key concepts and important books of universal literature. A playful way to learn outdoors.

To access the images of the gymkhana, click click here.


ESO 2 students have made shields with both Latin and Greek symbols present in myths, which they have exposed to Primary and Secondary courses, highlighting the most important concepts and anecdotes of mythological history.


To access the images of classical culture click click here.

In all the courses of the Early Childhood and Primary Education stages, interesting and varied activities to encourage reading have also been carried out in the classroom to commemorate this great day at our center.


To access the images of Infant and Primary Education click here.