XXX Cultural Week. Science Day. 2018-19

With Science Day the XXX has begun Cultural week of the Alboran College.

On this day, our students from ESO y Baccalaureate has attended a very interesting conference: "Biology in the XNUMXst century", directed by D. Miguel Ángel Medina Torres, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Malaga.

During it, the speaker highlighted the importance of the Biology in the XNUMXst century and has shown its relationship with some of the studiesmost important doctors with whom your Department collaborates. Likewise, it has exposed to the assistants the current links of Biology with other branches of knowledge, while it has delved into the new areas and degrees related to it and that are currently taught at the UMA.

On the other hand, our students have been able to contemplate throughout today, the exhibition "Molecules of life", installed in our hall and which has been prepared by Mr. Enrique Mínguez, from the Department of Genetics from the University of Malaga. In order to adapt its contents to the youngest, our 2nd year Bachillerato Biology students have given several talks on it, adapting the contents to different levels, from Childhood education but also Middle School.

Our Science Day has concluded with one last activity, in this case, organized by the students of 4th ESO of Biology and 5th of Primary in the subject of Music. "Knowing the Cell" is a "performance" that mixes music with cellular physiology, in a fun and didactic way. The result, simply spectacular and very enriching both for the Infant, Primary and Secondary public and for those who have carried it out with such enthusiasm.