English Secondary Department

Our latest news

Our Biology, Geography and English teachers have come together with their 1º ESO class to offer the students a bilingual, informed and in-depth knowledge of the Solar System. The students endeavored to display their newly acquired knowledge by completing an English Project which, they did wonderfully, through the use of hand made model Solar Systems, iMovies, Keynotes, Kahoots and even creating a class […]

Cinderella found her Prince Charming and the beautiful Belle tamed the Beast, at Colegio Alborán yesterday. Both plays were performed by 2° ESO to our primary students, who enjoyed the adventure as they journeyed into these wonderful ‘Happy Ever After’ traditional fairytale stories! Well done to everyone involved.

Colegio Alboran’s Secondary English Department in association with Burlington Books held two seminars yesterday, given by the lovely Miss Tammy Vera, who introduced the students to their first American Culture Class. The class offered a fun and interactive way for students to learn about various aspects of American culture, such as landmarks, food & drink, […]