
Colegio Alborán Online. 2019-20

Estimadas familias.

Como ya les hemos adelantado, a partir del próximo lunes 16 de marzo, comenzaremos a trabajar en formato on line en todas las etapas educativas.
En resumen:

-El martes retomaremos la actividad lectiva.
-Lo haremos a través de la plataforma Google Classroom.
-El alumnado será continuamente informado de las diversas tareas a realizar en el tablón de anuncios de dicha aplicación.
-Se usarán aplicaciones que conoce el alumnado y que tienen activadas.
-Se trabajará en tiempo real.
-Se mantendrán los mismos periodos de descanso que en la jornada habitual.
-Se considerarán las tareas como instrumentos de evaluación.
-El alumnado debe contar con un lugar relajado y aislado para su jornada de trabajo, y debemos respetar su concentración.
-Las ausencias deben ser igualmente justificadas a través del tutor/a.
-Los correos de los tutores permanecerán operativos.
-Los cursos que no cuentan con dispositivo 1:1 (Infantil, 1º, 2º y 3º EPO) precisarán de un dispositivo y una ID que les facilitaremos. También recibirán un tutorial para el desempeño de las diversas actividades.
-El lunes podrán recoger el material que vayan a necesitar para este periodo y que aún permanezca en el colegio.

Esta situación sin precedentes exige comprensión y un esfuerzo especial por parte de todos.
Agradeciendo de antemano su colaboración les enviamos un cordial saludo.
Permanecemos en contacto.

José Luis González Moyano
Director técnico

Dear families,

Starting Monday, all levels of Education will start working online:

–       On Tuesday, lessons will begin.
–       Online work will be done through the platform Google Classroom
–       Students will be continuously informed of all activities and work on the bulletin board of Google Classroom.
–       Students will be using Apps to do their work, which they have already activated, and they know how to use them.
–       Students will be working in real-time (as if they were still at school).
–        The same timetable, as for regular school, is maintained, with breaks at the same time.
–       All work will be considered as part of the evaluation, counting for their final grade.
–       Students should work at home in a personal, private area, to allow concentration to perform to the best of their abilities.
–       Absences must be justified as normal, via email to the student’s tutor.
–       Tutor’s emails are operative as usual.
–       Classes without digital devices (iPad or Chromebook): Infantile, 1, 2, & 3 of EPO, will need to have at home a digital device and we will provide them with an ID so that they can also work from home. Shortly, we will send a tutorial on how these classes will be working.
–       Anyone who still has material at school and that they need to work from home, will be able to pick it up on Monday.

Please understand that this situation has never occurred, and we are all working very hard to continue with schoolwork as best as we can.

We thank you in advance for your collaboration and know that we will stay in touch regularly.

Best regards,

José Luis González Moyano
Director técnico